Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Welcome to my blog! Wilkomen, Bienvenue, etc. Before we get started, a few rules, or guidelines, or things you ought to expect, or whatever:

1. Rule 1 of the blog: don't talk about the blog.

2. Rule 2 of the blog: disregard Rule 1, and talk about the blog CONSTANTLY. At home, with friends, on the way to work, with your cat, at your indictment, whatever! Seriously, I'm technologically impaired and doing this just for fun- I have no idea how word gets out about these things, so help me out if you're so inclined.

3. As I said, I'm doing this just because, so don't expect a particularly consistent theme to these posts. There will be movie and book reviews, discussions on the college and unpaid intern experiences, shameless plugs for things I or my friends are involved in, and probably other entries that will be posted at 3:00 am and generically falling under the heading of "weird stuff." I'll clearly label things, though, so it should be easy enough to navigate.

Also, just a note: the "truffled" part of Truffled Madness (potential band name?) is not a reference to the overrated gourmet fungus, but to the chocolate truffle, which I think we can all agree is a vast improvement.

I suppose I could do an "about me" section, but frankly, I've never liked those, and if you're reading this, you either already know me and I badgered you into looking at my blog, or you'll get to know me soon enough through the things I post here. So for now, I'll just say welcome, enjoy yourself, and thanks for reading!